Thursday 20 March, 2025

27 April

battle of carbisdale
James Graham, Marquis of Montrose

27 April 1296: John Balliol’s Scottish forces were defeated by an English army led by John de Warenne, Earl of Surrey at the battle of Dunbar.

27 April 1650: A Royalist army of Orcadian levies and Danish and German mercenaries commanded by James Graham, Marquis of Montrose was heavily defeated by a Covenanter force led by Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald Strachan at the Battle of Carbisdale in Sutherland.

27 April 1690: Scottish government forces commanded by Brigadier-General Sir Thomas Livingstone marched out from Inverness to confront the Jacobites under Major-General Thomas Buchan encamped on the banks of the River Spey at Cromdale.

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